Chocolate Prestigio - 100% CGI
Prestígio é uma marca de coco e chocolate que quer se renovar e se aproximar do público jovem. Para isso, ela usa elementos que mostram sua naturalidade e autenticidade, como a cor vermelha, a textura e o coco. A marca quer passar uma mensagem de simplicidade e verdade em todos os sentidos
Prestige is a brand of coconut and chocolate that wants to renew itself and get closer to the young audience. To do this, it uses elements that show its naturalness and authenticity, such as the red color, the texture and the coconut. The brand wants to convey a message of simplicity and truth in every sense
Prestige is a brand of coconut and chocolate that wants to renew itself and get closer to the young audience. To do this, it uses elements that show its naturalness and authenticity, such as the red color, the texture and the coconut. The brand wants to convey a message of simplicity and truth in every sense